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Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/19/16
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 10/19/16

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson, Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance: Scott Jenssen, Dennis Lynch

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board moved to postpone the Community Compact application discussion to next week.
2.  SB Corner topic for November: progress at the transfer station, new fire truck and/or drawdown.
3.  Steve reported that he made a site visit to Egremont Barns in Egremont that makes sheds.  He suggested going with a 12 x 36 size (the current building is 12 x 32) as it’s less expensive (approx $8,000) than a 14’ wide shed that requires a special license to deliver.  Steve has spoken with the Transfer Station Managers for feedback on the process and options available.  Delivery and set up would be free.  Kenn stated that we have a contractor that is willing to build a 16 x 24 (same sq ft as current for $7,200) for the cost of materials only and can be done by the end of the month.  Kenn is against a prefab building.  Carol suggested to compare the quotes side by side, completion times and make sure that Scott is still on Board and able to perform the work since he is still within 1 year of having been a Selectman.
4.  Scott Jenssen came to the meeting following the conclusion of the above discussion.  He has sent a revised quote which will be reviewed by all ($6,200 in materials plus labor because a floor system will be required not allowing him to be able to donate his time).  Considering this new information the Board agreed that it is a better financial decision to go with the prefab building.
5.  Grant writers: It was agreed to pay each grant writer $25/hour with a cap of $9,000 per grant writer per year and their time spent should be used on multiple grants not all on one.  The time sheets should also be submitted to the Board for approval prior to being submitted to the Accountant.  Their time should be submitted on a weekly basis and there should be an expectation of results.  The Board also discussed that some of the work Terry is currently doing for the Highway Department should not be paid from the grant writer line item but rather from the highway budget.
6.  Drawdown:  Because we are in a drought situation there are concerns about beginning the drawdown on Oct 15th.  There are concerns about limited availability to water to be used for fire services as well as the lake filling back up.  The Con Comm agrees that we should wait until the 15th of November to reassess the situation.  The Board agreed unanimously to support the Director of Operations/Fire Chief and Conservation Commission on their decision to delay the start of the drawdown.
7.  Town Administrator update: the resume review committee will be doing preliminary interviews next week.
8.  Steve reported that the Lake Garfield Working Group held their 2nd meeting at which a presentation was made by Mercedes Gallagher who is involved with the hand pulling at Center Pond in Becket.  Emily Stockman will be presenting at their next meeting on November 14th.  Ed Mandelbaum has resigned from the group and Christine Goldfinger has been unable to attend any meetings.
9.  Steve is waiting on an update from the cell tower company.  It was discussed that there are still a lot of pieces to be put in place by the tower company.  Steve will remind the Chief for the letter the Board requested to send to Verizon.  The Board feels that we need to encourage everyone to repeatedly call Verizon to pressure them to put an antennae on the current tower and agree to place another on the proposed tower.
10.  The Board discussed the agenda and issues to be discussed at the meeting scheduled for tonight.
11.  Warrants were signed.
12.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:20pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk